There will be no such thing because such innovative graft is beyond any Australian politician.
Instead, there will be Albohouse.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has succeeded in renting out his $4.3 million clifftop home on the NSW Central Coast after lowering the price, likely bringing in thousands a month for the four-bedroom property.
The latest register of interests reveals Albanese has listed the four-bedroom and three-bathroom property in Copacabana, called “clifftop perfection” by the real estate agent who sold it, as an investment property generating rental income.
…“Some people [within Labor] had been conscious and tried to cease it. My intuition is that is f—ing horrible,” one MP stated on the time.
I’m glad to see the market introduced Albohouse rental expectations all the way down to earth.
Now, optimistically, we’ll get an enormous swell, and it’ll slide into the sea.

It wouldn’t totally equalise Albo’s funds with Australians after three years of calamitous mismanagement, however it might be a begin.

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